
Fort Dodge Community School District is excited to announce that YouScience®
Brightpath will be available to all students in grades 7 -12 beginning with the
2024-2025 school year. Seventh and ninth grade students will participate in aptitude
testing designed to help them gain deeper insights into their strengths and interests.

"At Fort Dodge Community School District, we're thrilled to introduce YouScience
Brightpath to our students! This innovative platform will not only help our students
discover their unique strengths and aptitudes but also open up a world of possibilities
for their futures. By connecting their talents to real-world career paths and educational
opportunities, we're empowering them to dream bigger and plan smarter. We can't wait
to see the amazing journeys our students will embark on with YouScience by their
side!" Emily Klocke, FDSH Assistant Principal. Emily oversees Career and Technical
Education, FDCSD Career and Academic Planning Team, and various work-based
learning opportunities.

YouScience® is the leading technology provider dedicated to solving the skills gap
crisis for students and employers. The comprehensive education-to-career
YouScience® Brightpath platform is designed to help all students prepare for academic
and career success.

Some of the benefits of Brightpath include empowering students to:
● Discover their aptitudes and use them as a foundation for understanding
themselves better.

● See a range of educational opportunities they can pursue along with majors that
align with their aptitudes. The selection of schools can include vocational, trade,
or technical schools, as well as colleges and universities.

● Explore different career opportunities that align with their aptitudes and can
determine the best classes or industry certifications to pursue.

● Work together with counselors, parents or guardians, and administrators to
identify the right mix of high school courses to take that align with each
student's aptitudes and future plans.

● Validate their learning by earning industry-recognized certifications that
demonstrate capability in more than 200 areas of study.

● Directly align their talents, skills, knowledge, and interests to specific programs
and majors within colleges to increase college enrollments and completions.

● Access to local, regional, and national employers who offer internships,
apprenticeships, or jobs that align with their aptitudes.

YouScience is the preferred choice for individuals, parents, educators, and counselors
to guide and support educational and career pathways. It currently serves more than
7,000 educational institutions across the United States and millions of users. Theimpact has been transformative:

● 80% discover enhanced college and career readiness

● 68% can more confidently identify a college and career pathway than before

● 55% feel their eyes are opened to new career possibilities and feel more
empowered to follow future pathways

● 69% consider a wider range of careers, including careers they didn’t consider
before. They’re also more likely to seek career advice

“Our mission is to empower everyone to find intentional, individual success,” Edson
Barton, YouScience Founder and CEO, said. “Brightpath is a first-of-its-kind solution
that uses decades of proven data and advanced AI to help students discover, prove,
and pursue their passion, their path, and their purpose.”

Students will be given access to YouScience® Brightpath in the coming weeks. They
will take a series of timed ‘brain games’ designed to reveal their aptitudes and best-fit
careers and education opportunities.