people seated on the floor reading

Danitza Cardenas has a saying that she often uses when working with students in the Fort Dodge Community School District — “Si se puede,” which means “Yes, you can” or “It’s possible.”

Everything is possible for Spanish-speaking students and families in the district as Cardenas breaks down language barriers and helps families to navigate the education process and opportunities.

Cardenas, who will begin her 10th year with the district in the fall, serves as an interpreter for

Spanish-speaking students and families. She translates information from English to Spanish that is sent home, assists school staff, helps with the registration process, records messages in Spanish, attends parent/teacher conferences as needed, and works closely with the students who are learning the English language.

“Danitza is much more than a translator,” said Ryan Flaherty, principal of Duncombe Elementary.

“She is a connection and lifeline for our Spanish-speaking families. She is their connection to a quality education, to health care and many more avenues."