The Fort Dodge Community School District announces the April 2024 Students and Employee of the Month Honorees. This program recognizes one elementary, one middle school, and one high school student, as well as one staff member, monthly for exceeding expectations.
Paityn Ahrens is the Elementary Student of the Month.
Andrew Tupen nominated Paityn, writing, “Paityn is a very hard worker and is willing to try things even when they are really hard. She thinks outside the box and uses the strategies she knows work for her. When Paityn finds a topic she is interested in she will try to learn as much as possible as she can about that topic.”
Mr. Turpen also wrote, “Paityn is incredibly kindhearted and caring towards both adults and students. She is aware of how her actions impact others and acts appropriately. She works amazingly with every student and is a positive role model for everyone in the school.”
He concluded his nomination with, “She will speak up when things aren't right and have a solution for problems that may arise. She will work with everyone and is respectful and kind to everyone.”
Eliana Yeoman is the Middle School Student of the Month.
The 6 Blue team nominated Eliana. In their nomination, they wrote, “Eliana is always engaged in lessons and clarifies her learning when needed. She will ask extra questions and will go out of her way to help other students. Eliana is willing to put in the extra work because success is important to her. Overall, Eliana loves to learn and is it obvious in all of her classes.
Eliana exhibits our core beliefs on a daily basis. She is kind and respectful to her peers and adults. She wants all students to feel like they belong and her actions show her good character daily. This carries over to experiences outside of school. Eliana participates in multiple activites and her interactions enrich the lives of others.”
They concluded their nomination by writing, “Eliana is a perfect example of displaying the "Dodger Way" at all times regardless of her environment or who she is surrounded by. She stays true to herself, which is a pretty amazing person.”
Ella Champagne is the Senior High Student of the Month.
Kevin Yeoman nominated Ella, writing, “Ella wants to become a special education teacher so has been coming into my room daily to learn more about the job. She does an excellent job interacting with all of the students in my classroom and works one-on-one with each of them when able. She is always in a good mood and kind to everyone she interacts with. Ella displays caring for other students and seems to genuinely care about bringing out the best in others. She makes each of my students feel valued.”
Sara Blowers is the Employee of the Month.
Jen Cordle nominated Sara by writing, "Sara goes above and beyond to make sure her team makes data-driven decisions yet she also recognizes the individual needs of her students. She develops strong relationships with her kindergarten students while holding high expectations for herself, her team, and her students.
Sara has been a member of the Lighthouse Team and a facilitator of the Leadership Team at the Early Childhood Center for three years. This year with the restructuring of the Leader in Me teams she put in countless hours preparing our two family engagement events. She put in many " behind the scenes" hours analyzing data, coordinating with team members, and communicating with staff and families to ensure our building held two successful events to inform families in an engaging atmosphere.
An area where Sara Blowers really shines is the way she forms relationships with her students and creates a culture of caring and learning in her classroom. She sets clear expectations for her students and provides consistency. She does an excellent job of "being her best" for her students every day. She is a leader in the classroom and in the building.”