Food Service

Welcome to the Fort Dodge School District Food Service Website!

Each day our team of food service employees prepare and serve almost 3000 meals to students in our nine schools.  It has been proven that students need good nutrition to feed their minds and bodies to enable them to learn while in school. Our goal is to provide a high quality, safe, and healthy meal to every Fort Dodge student while providing the best customer service possible.

Taher Inc. manages the Food Service Program on behalf of the school district. We are proud to serve you and will continue to work with students, parents and school administration to make your program the best it can be. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the lunch program, please email me or call me anytime. 

FDCSD School Dining Charging Policy

Code No. 710.4
In accordance with state and federal law, the FDCSD adopts the following policy to ensure school district employees, families and students have a shared understanding of expectations regarding meal charges. The policy seeks to allow students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day, prevent the overt identification of students with insufficient funds to pay for school meals and maintain the financial integrity of the nonprofit school nutrition program.

Payment of Meals
Students have use of a meal account. A student may charge no more than $-20.00 per family account. Additionally, students are not allowed to charge a la carte items when their account has a negative balance. 

Payment Options

  • Payment can be made online through Infinite Campus Parent

  • Cash and checks will be accepted at each building

  • Checks should be made out to FDCSD- Food Service (Fort Dodge Community School District) and should have your student's first and last name on the memo line

Students who have qualified for free meals shall never be denied a reimbursable meal. Students with outstanding meal charge debt shall be allowed to purchase a meal if the student pays for the meal when it is received. Students who bring their lunch from home and would like to purchase a milk will need to pay the $.60 charge. 

Employees may use a dining account for meals, and must maintain a positive balance. No charging allowed. 

Negative Account Balances
The school district will make reasonable efforts to notify families when meal account balances are low. Additionally, the school district will make reasonable efforts to collect unpaid meal charges classified as delinquent debt. The school district will coordinate communications with families to resolve the matter of unpaid charges. Families will be notified of an outstanding negative balance once the negative balance reaches $-10.00. Families will be notified by letter sent via US mail and the Infinite Campus automated calling system. 

If you are not receiving email notifications regarding low lunch account balances and would like to, please contact Ursuala Roberts at 574.5677. 

Diet Modifications
If your student requires modifications to accommodate a disability, please have a medical professional who is licensed to write medical prescriptions complete the diet modification form for your student.